Meet Marc Woo, our Maplean of the Month!
Q: Where are you from?
A: Marc Woo (MW): I was born in San Francisco. Six months after I was born, we moved to Terra Linda and I have lived there ever since.
Q: What attracted you to work for Marin County?
A: MW – My brother Steven said that I should get a job with the County of Marin. Working in the Public Assistance Branch of Marin Health & Human Services, I am meeting people that are fun work with. Currently I am an extra-hire employee in the process of trying to become a regular hire employee.
Q: What do you like to do for fun outside of work?
A: MW – I am a longtime volunteer with Terra Linda High School as a volunteer team assistant for the volleyball and basketball teams. I am also involved with the Marin Asian Community Church.
Q: What do you hope to get out of MAPLE?
A: MW – To meet new people and make friends with other Asians in the County of Marin.
The interview was conducted by and photo taken by Jacalyn Mah..